How to Transfer TurboTax Files from One Computer to Another

How to Transfer TurboTax Files from One Computer to Another

Transferring TurboTax files

Transferring your TurboTax files from one computer to another can seem like a daunting task, but with the right guidance, it can be a seamless process. Whether you’ve purchased a new computer or need to switch devices for any reason, this article will walk you through the steps to safely and easily transfer your TurboTax files without losing any important data.

Step 1: Locate Your TurboTax Files

Locating TurboTax files

The first step in transferring your TurboTax files is to locate them on your current computer. TurboTax files are typically saved in a specific folder, which can vary depending on your operating system.

For Windows users, the default save location is usually in the “Documents” or “My Documents” folder. You can look for a folder labeled “TurboTax” or search for files with the extension “.tax2019” (or the tax year you are working on).

Mac users can find their TurboTax files in the “Documents” folder or by searching for the “TurboTax” folder. Similarly, look for files with the “.tax2019” (or applicable year) extension.

Step 2: Copy and Move Your TurboTax Files

Copying and moving TurboTax files

Once you have located your TurboTax files, it’s time to copy and move them to your new computer. To do this, you have a few options.

One straightforward method is to use an external storage device, such as a USB flash drive or an external hard drive. Connect the storage device to your current computer and copy the TurboTax files from their original location to the device. Then, safely disconnect the storage device and connect it to your new computer. Finally, paste the TurboTax files into a desired folder on your new computer.

An alternative method is to use a cloud storage service like Google Drive, Dropbox, or OneDrive. Upload your TurboTax files to the cloud storage service from your current computer. Once uploaded, you can access them from any computer with an internet connection. Simply sign in to the cloud storage service on your new computer and download the TurboTax files to the desired location.

Step 3: Install TurboTax on Your New Computer

Installing TurboTax on a new computer

Before you can open and use your transferred TurboTax files on the new computer, you will need to install the TurboTax software.

If you have a physical CD or DVD copy of TurboTax, insert it into your new computer’s CD/DVD drive and follow the on-screen instructions to install the software.

If you purchased TurboTax as a download, visit the TurboTax website and sign in to your account. Locate the download link for your desired TurboTax version and follow the instructions to download and install the software on your new computer.

Step 4: Open Your Transferred TurboTax Files

Opening TurboTax files

Once TurboTax is installed on your new computer, it’s time to open your transferred files.

Locate the folder where you copied the TurboTax files and open the software. In TurboTax, go to the “File” menu and select “Open Tax Return.” Navigate to the folder and select the desired tax return file. TurboTax will then load your transferred tax return with all the data intact.

It’s important to note that if you have multiple tax years or tax returns, you will need to repeat this process for each specific return.

Final Thoughts

Transferring TurboTax files

Transferring your TurboTax files from one computer to another doesn’t have to be a complicated process. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can safely and easily transfer your TurboTax files without losing any valuable data. Remember to locate your TurboTax files, copy and move them to your new computer using an external storage device or a cloud storage service, install TurboTax on your new computer, and finally, open your transferred TurboTax files in the software. Now you can continue working on your tax returns seamlessly on your new computer.

Section 1: Locating TurboTax Files on Your Current Computer

Locating TurboTax Files on Your Current Computer

Before transferring your TurboTax files from one computer to another, you need to locate where the files are stored on your current computer. You can find the location by navigating through the folders and directories. Follow these steps to find your TurboTax files:

Step 1: Open File Explorer or This PC on your computer. You can usually find this option in the taskbar or by searching for it in the Start menu.

Step 2: In File Explorer or This PC, navigate to the main drive where your operating system is installed. This is typically the C: drive.

Step 3: Open the “Users” or “Documents and Settings” folder, depending on your Windows operating system version.

Step 4: Locate your user account folder within the “Users” or “Documents and Settings” folder.

Step 5: Open your user account folder and navigate to the “Documents” or “My Documents” folder.

Step 6: Look for a folder named “TurboTax” or “Intuit” within the “Documents” or “My Documents” folder. This folder contains your TurboTax files, including your tax returns and related documents.

Step 7: Once you find the “TurboTax” or “Intuit” folder, open it to view your TurboTax files.

It’s important to note that the exact location of the TurboTax files may vary depending on your operating system and user account settings. If you’re having trouble locating the files, you can try searching for “TurboTax” or “Intuit” using the search function in File Explorer or This PC.

Once you have located your TurboTax files, you can proceed to the next section to learn how to transfer them to your new computer.

Section 2: Preparing Your Files for Transfer

Preparing Your Files for Transfer

When transferring TurboTax files from one computer to another, it is important to ensure that your files are properly backed up and saved in a secure location. This will help safeguard your tax information and prevent any potential data loss. Here are some steps to follow in order to prepare your files for transfer:

Step 1: Create a Backup

The first step in preparing your TurboTax files for transfer is to create a backup. This will allow you to have a copy of your files in case anything goes wrong during the transfer process. It is always a good practice to back up your files regularly, especially before making any major changes or moving them to a different computer.

To create a backup of your TurboTax files, you can use an external hard drive or cloud storage service. Both options offer secure storage and ensure that your files are easily accessible when transferring them to a new computer.

Connect your external hard drive to your current computer or sign in to your preferred cloud storage service. Locate your TurboTax files, which are typically saved in the “Documents” or “Tax Documents” folder. Select all the necessary files and copy them to the external hard drive or upload them to your cloud storage account.

Make sure that the backup process is complete and that all your TurboTax files have been successfully saved to the external hard drive or cloud storage before proceeding to the next steps.

Step 2: Organize Your Files

Once you have created a backup of your TurboTax files, it is recommended to organize them to ensure a smooth transfer to the new computer. Create a separate folder specifically for your TurboTax files and name it accordingly. This will make it easier to locate and transfer the files later on.

Within the TurboTax folder, you may want to further organize your files by tax year or type. This can help you stay organized and make it easier to find specific files when needed. For example, you can create subfolders for each tax year or categorize your files into folders such as “Income Documents,” “Expense Documents,” “W2 Forms,” and so on.

By organizing your TurboTax files, you will have a better understanding of where each file is located, which can save you time and effort during the transfer process.

Step 3: Verify File Compatibility

Before transferring your TurboTax files to the new computer, it is important to ensure that the software is compatible with the operating system on the destination computer. TurboTax offers different versions and updates each year, so it is essential to check for compatibility to prevent any issues or errors.

Make sure that the TurboTax version installed on the destination computer matches the one used to create the files. If necessary, update the TurboTax software on the new computer to the latest version available. This will ensure that the files can be opened and processed correctly without any compatibility problems.

If you are unsure about the compatibility, it is recommended to contact TurboTax support or visit their official website for guidance on which version to use for transferring files between different computers.

Step 4: Transfer Your Files

Now that you have created a backup, organized your files, and confirmed compatibility, you are ready to transfer your TurboTax files to the new computer. There are multiple methods that you can use to transfer files between computers:

  • You can use an external storage device (e.g., USB flash drive, external hard drive) to copy the TurboTax files from the backup location. Simply connect the storage device to the new computer and copy the files into the appropriate folder.
  • If you have saved your files in a cloud storage service, you can sign in to the account on the new computer and download the files directly from the cloud.
  • Alternatively, you can transfer the files over a local network by connecting both computers to the same network. Once connected, you can simply copy and paste the files from the source computer to the desired location on the new computer.

Choose the method that suits your preferences and resources. Ensure that all files are successfully transferred and verify their integrity by opening them on the new computer using the TurboTax software. If everything looks correct, you have successfully transferred your TurboTax files from one computer to another.

In conclusion, ensuring the safety and accessibility of your TurboTax files is crucial when transferring them between computers. By following these steps to create a backup, organize your files, verify compatibility, and transfer them securely, you can have peace of mind knowing that your tax information is reliably transferred to your new computer.

Section 4: Importing TurboTax Files on the New Computer

Importing TurboTax Files

Now that you have successfully transferred your TurboTax files from the old computer to the new one, it’s time to import them into the TurboTax software on the new computer. This will ensure that all your important tax information is readily available for the tax filing process.

To get started, open the TurboTax software on your new computer. If you haven’t installed TurboTax yet, you first need to download and install it from the official Intuit website.

Once the TurboTax software is open, locate the transferred files that you previously saved on the new computer. These files usually have a .tax file extension and are typically stored in a folder or directory of your choice.

To import the transferred files, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Navigate to the Import Option

In the TurboTax software, look for the navigation menu or toolbar. Different versions of TurboTax might have slightly different layouts, but typically you will find the import option in the “File” or “Tools” menu.

Step 2: Select the Import Option

Click on the “Import” option in the menu to proceed with importing the transferred TurboTax files.

Step 3: Choose the Transferred Files

A new dialog box or window will appear, prompting you to select the files you want to import. Navigate to the location where you saved the transferred TurboTax files and select them.

Step 4: Confirm and Import

Review the selected files to ensure they are the correct ones you want to import. Double-check that all the necessary tax information is included in these files. Once you are satisfied, click on the “Import” or “Open” button to initiate the file import process.

Step 5: Complete the Import Process

Depending on the size of the files and the speed of your computer, the import process may take a few moments. TurboTax will analyze the imported files and retrieve all the relevant tax information. Once the import is complete, you will be able to access and work on your tax return as usual.

It is essential to note that importing TurboTax files may also trigger a validation or verification process, especially if the files contain sensitive tax data. TurboTax will ensure the integrity and accuracy of the imported information to avoid any potential errors or discrepancies in your tax return.

By successfully importing the transferred TurboTax files, you can continue the tax filing process seamlessly on your new computer. You can review, edit, and add any necessary information to complete your tax return.

Remember to save your progress regularly and keep a backup of your tax files to avoid any potential data loss. With TurboTax, you can easily transfer your tax documents and confidently tackle your taxes on any computer.

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